109 E. Madison St. Paris, IL 61944

Summer Camp

The Rec offers a summer camp to help your kids enjoy summer break and beat summer-time boredom! If your kids will be entering grades K-6 for the fall of each school year, check out the options below!

This camp is all summer long! Days will be filled with adventures, activities, sports, games, crafts, free time and field trips!!! Please bring a sack lunch.  Please NO peanut products.

Summer Camp Field Trips

PLEASE NOTE: There are age restrictions on some trips, so read the flyer carefully!

**You must attend Summer Camp to go on the field trips.
In order to be completely registered for the trips, you must submit payment.  

Field trips will be paid seperately, automatic drafts will not be allowed this year.
All trips subject to change.

Sign up today! It will only take a minute!

With the guidelines that we are following, spots will first be given to those who are coming to camp for 3, 4 or 5 days per week. If your child is attending 2 days per week, they will go on a waiting list (first come, first serve) for the trips and will be moved to the official list if there are spots available. There is a set number of children that we can take on each trip.

Summer Camp Employment
 Apply today! 

A job for the summer, experience for a lifetime!

Summer Camp Employment Application