109 E. Madison St. Paris, IL 61944

Youth Basketball

Get your kids active!

Youth Basketball is a sports staple here at the Rec. It is unarguably the largest youth sports program we offer in terms of players and teams that participate every season. We hold two seasons during the year, Fall and Winter. The Fall season begins toward the end of October and is finished by Christmas. The Winter Season begins toward the end of January and is finished by mid-March.

Every season is a learning experience, and we are always working on improving the basketball program at The REC. Please let us know if you have any suggestions!

Pre-K League

Children ages
3 1/2 – 5 years old

Small portable goals and smallest official size basketballs will be used.

Coaches/Volunteers encouraged to be on court with players to help, correct and support them.

K-1 League

Children in
kindergarten and first grade

Co-ed Teams (if numbers and coaching staff are strong)
Goals lowered to 7ft and official junior size basketballs will be used.

Coaches/Volunteers encouraged to be on court with players to help, correct and support them.

2-3 Boys & Girls League

Children in
second and third grade

Boys and girls Practice 1 day a week for 1 hour.  Boys and girls will be combined if there are not enough participants and/or coaches to support two separate leagues.

Join us! It will only take a minute.

Feel free to download registration form and bring to The Rec or register in person.

For more information, contact Whitney Haase at whitney_haase@parisrec.org or 217-466-9622.